Customers, Prospective Customers, QA Professionals, Production Manager, Maintenance Manager or Scale Buyer / Coordinator.
We rent, sell, service, repair, calibrate, and certify a wide range of scales, balances and mass standards.
Our current line of products include: Artech Industries, AWTX, Accuweigh, Adam Equipment
If you have any questions or comments leave us a message or give us a call! Call Us! 1-800-339-9392
Action Scale is pleased to announce the completion of our “Registered Quality System and Certified Calibration System”. We are now ISO 9001:2015 Registered & ISO 17025:2005 Certified.

Our Services
We rent, sell, service, repair, calibrate, and certify a wide range of scales, balances and mass standards. We represent the full line of scale products and systems from compact portable scales to stainless steel wash down products. We have standard weighing and counting scales to fully programmable inventory and batching systems to everyday floor and bench scales. We also have a full line of laboratory, moisture and specific gravity balances.

Our Products
Our current line of products include: Artech Industries, AWTX, Accuweigh, Adam Equipment, Amcells, Brecknell, BTEK, CCI, Cambridge, Cardinal Detecto, CAS, Coti Global, Doran, Flexweigh, GSE, Imada, IWT, Inscale, MSI, Ohaus, Optima, Pennsylvania, Prime Scale, Rice Lake, RLWS, Sterling, Transcell, UWE, Weightronix.
Our test standards are maintained quarterly & calibrated on a regular interval. All calibrations are NIST traceable and comply with HB44 and HB 112 requirements and standards are compliant with HB 105-8.

Action Scale
Action Scale is a full service scale company
specializing in Quality Management.

We represent the full line of scale products and systems from compact portable scales to stainless steel wash down products.
Our test standards are maintained quarterly & calibrated on a regular interval. All calibrations are NIST traceable and comply with HB44 and HB 112 requirements and standards are compliant with HB 105-8.
We have standard weighing and counting scales to fully programmable inventory and batching systems, and everyday floor and bench scales. We also have a full line of laboratory, moisture and specific gravity balances.